A veritable Day of Drips.
Not content with six hours of Cyclo and Myco (see yesterday's post) again today, I've also had eight hours of drip either side of the Transplant (four before and four after) to boost the fluid content of my blood, as well as the Transplant itself. Lots of Simultaneous Dripping to reduce the overall time connected, but still a total of 13 hours in the day hooked up to the Drip Machine.
Two new skills learnt today: sleeping and dressing while connected to a drip. Neither as difficult as they sound, so long as you're careful... Thought about attempting a drip-

connected shower too, but decided that would be just too much Excitement for one day. Got to have something to look forward to.
The TBI was a breeze. Lined up by my tattoos (see Tattooed post of 1st Feb) with lasers, so that it was accurately targeted, I just lay on my back and meditated for 20 minutes to the strains of Jeff Buckley singing Hallelujah! They turned me round once at half time, so that both sides were evenly cooked and done to a turn. Mustard, anyone?
The TBI is the medical equivalent of a Tactical Thermo-Nuclear Device. It kills all the fastest-dividing cells in the body, which takes care of the stem cells in the blood and bone marrow, but also includes the entire lining of the digestive system, from mouth and throat, all the way through the gut to the Other End. So the most likely side-effects arise anywhere along that tract, from Mouth Ulcers to Montezuma's Revenge. Can't wait! Happily the damaged cells are replaced fairly quickly, minimising long-term harm.
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Nurse Helen, the Stem Cells (in the bag at the top), my Spoons and Me |
So far my body has proved amazingly resilient to all this Rough Treatment and apart from a little shortness of breath when the stem cells went in and some fatigue at the end of the day (hardly surprising), I have felt no side-effects. Astonishing how my heart immediately recognised the difference between all the chemicals we've been pumping in and these alien stem cells; hence the slight shortness of breath. Anyway, the Alien Invaders are the Home team now, streaming into the system, weapons at the ready, settling into their new bone marrow home (which we hope they find very comfy and well appointed) and ready to deal ruthlessly with any surviving members of the Old Guard who were so brutally bombarded and disarmed this morning. No, Dixie, I haven't joined the army; I am the Battlefield. But the worst of the Destruction is over now. Let the Rebuilding begin!
Finally, a big Thank You to everyone sending vibes from their Lurv Lasers. Or just plain thoughts and prayers. Not to mention all the texts, emails and blog comments. All very gratefully received and surely a Valuable Reinforcement of the medical procedure.
Hi Patrick. You look good in the photo! How is Nurse Helen coping with the marrow spoons? We've been thinking about you lots and directing the luuuuurrrrrrvw lasers your way - hope we haven't taken out the No. 80 bus (my aim isn't great). I thought of you this arvo as was on the comfy(not) recliner at the dentist... Also, we've been sending lots of good vibes through the airways to your donor - what a great guy! I can only think of one word: karma. We all love him.
ReplyDeleteWe are looking forward to seeing J on Friday.
lots of love from us , M&C
p.s. did you organise the Cricket World Cup dates????
ReplyDeleteYou're an absolute inspiration, Patrick. Brilliant post, on so many levels (yes, even the paracetamol punnery!). I dont know how you do it after everything you've been through today. Hats off to you and all power to those space invaders. xx
ReplyDeleteI am being a bit thick!!!
ReplyDeleteI wondered why I wasn't getting any emails from you. I somehow never thought of the blog as a means of communication replacing emails despite the fact you were explicit on the subject.
I am pleased you have jumped the first hurdle -it has taken me a couple of hours to figure out the parrot joke - i think my aging brain is losing the plot Incidentally how is a donor selected? Do they have banks like blood banks? Do you get to know the donor's identity?
Just amazing to get your running commentary - feel like we have front-row seats. Impressed you are able to continue Blogging whilst connected to the drip too. Hope the invasion force has been propelled forward by the combined Lurv Lasers of Neals Shaw, St Edwards School & Russell Reynolds in London - all precision guided in your direction. Not to mention the Cobra toast by our tennis 4 from Mr Raju's in Henley on Tuesday evening.
ReplyDeleteHi Patrick, Julia's walking buddy Jo here... I've never blogged before, but this seems the very best place to start. I've been following your missives with fascination and have been lasering too... working and lasering, emptying the washing machine and lasering, loading up the rayburn and lasering, chopping logs and lasering. The marrow spoons have sent a tingle up my spine - definitely something going on there! I hope you and Julia will come down to deepest, darkest Sussex in the summer and view my grassnakes and slowworms... Julia said you'd be interested in them. The grassnakes in particular have completely taken over the compost bin... I want to use the compost, but despite me giving them a good talking to, they just hiss at me and refuse to move on... so come and say hallo! Looking forward to your next post, with lots of love to you and Julia, Jo xxx
ReplyDelete1. Re WC cricket, can't get Sky Sports in here. Can you believe it? No wonder that nice Mr Cameron wants to reform the NHS. However, all being well, I'll be out by the end of the boring bit before the knock-out stage starts.
ReplyDelete2. Richard, if you enjoy my jokes and are over 10 years old, you're in a seriously small minority. Praps your upcoming treatment can cure that as well.
3. Julian, you're clearly working too hard. Take a leaf out of my book and leave working to the girls. They're so much better at it.
4. ThankyouEddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
5. Jo, I suspect your Sid Hissers are trying to hibernate. No wonder they object to being disturbed. You'll just have to wait till spring to use your compost. Lasering much appreciated and clearly v effective, cos I feel fit as a f-f-f-f-fiddle.