Thursday 24 May 2012

Ice cream

First, my apologies for not blogging sooner, cos I know some people worry and assume The Worst.

But happily the reasons are pleasant, not the opposite:
a) there's been nothing new to report, which is essentially Good News, and
b) I've been too busy (!), what with friends coming to see me, hospital clinic on Monday (which is a 6-hour excursion for half an hour max with a doc) and the consequent need to rest afterwards, because I still tire very easily.

But I feel soooo much better than last week, which in turn was an improvement on the week before that, and the doc agreed that I seemed to be heading in the right direction, so nothing in the current strategy or drug regime needed changing.

And today I skipped merrily past another milestone on what we hope is the Road to Recovery: I ate through my mouth instead of the NG tube!
Novel idea, taking food in via the mouth, huh?
A whole teaspoon of ice cream too.

A teaspoonful of ice cream?

And another one in the evening.
No immediate or obvious side-effects either.
I can't actually remember the last time I ate like a Normal Human Bean with no assistance from a toob, but it must be months ago.
This could become a habit.....
Let's hope so.


  1. This is why the weather has taken such a dramatic turn for the better - it's because you're eating ice cream. What a jolly good idea!
    As for the West Sussex Wildlife report... no grassnakes or slowworms in evidence, despite my searching. Horrid maybug... a fat, flying chestnut, flew in through my open bedroom window last night, forcing me to search it out with tooth mug and turn light out early to prevent more intruders, which was particularly annoying as I was just settling down to start a new book... oh, what an exciting life!). Apart from that, May is, as ever, the very best month! The cuckoos are cuckooing and the blackbirds are blackbirding outrageously. And unless I do the mowing tomorrow, I will have to don my pith helmet and only brave the garden with my machete.
    Have a very good weekend with lots more ice cream... both of you.
    Lots of love Jo xxx

    1. Thanks, Jo. Lovely message! And yes, we seem to have bounded straight into a hot summer overnight. With all its attendant delights (warmth, sun, cuckoos, blackbirds) and annoyances (maybugs, sweaty nights, mowing etc). Should be nice again tomorrow for the mowing though.... Hope it's not too arduous. Lots of love, P & J xxoo

  2. Something by mouth, that's completely fantastic. X
