Sunday 27 May 2012

And the Answer....

OK, you can stop holding your breath now.
Here's the answer.

Q: What's hard, brown and sticky?

A: A stick...

...of course.

Now, wasn't that worth waiting for?!


  1. My delight is huge, I actually get the joke, so happy!

  2. So not a maybug covered in toffee then?
    To my delight, I've just found a slowworm - so all is well down here!

  3. Glad to hear the chicks are cheeping! But still no egg counting, please. Frank has a couple more equally feeble groan-pulling riddles. But, sadly, they are also too digusting to write, so perhaps time for another of Dixie's interesting, literary ones.
    Would a maybug covered in toffee be tasty perhaps? Definitely don't fancy a slowworm with or without toffee.
    YELS xoxo
