Thursday 19 April 2012


Spring is sprung!
De grass is riz.
De Boid is on de Wing.
But dat's absoid.
I always t'ought de Wing was on de Boid.

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Spring! April showers take us from Winter to Summer in less time than it takes to say so.
New lambs are gambolling round their mothers in the green.
The swallows are returning.
Though not many of either, admittedly, in Central London.
So I'm guessing.
Fresh Growth.
Resurrection, even.
Now surely is the time for the Winter of my Discontent to pass.
Thank you all so much for your messages on the blog and by email.
Not sure if/when I'll get around to answering each and every one, but rest assured they are all v much appreciated and mean a lot to me.


  1. Thanks Patrick for very well planted Blog.

  2. Hi Patrick this is From Matthew Daniel Joseph mummy and Daniel we are currently in Egypt having a great time and we thought it was a good idea to send you a message each hope you get better soon
    The first one is from Matthew : Hey Patrick I hope you are feeling better soon I am having a great time in Egypt we have been to Cairo and seen the sphinx and the pyramids and lots of temples (and chocolate) bye Matthew
    The second one is from Daniel :

  3. Continued.....
    Hello Patrick I am having a great time in Egypt we've seen temples the sphinx and the pyramids see you soon Daniel
    The third one is from Joseph: We have visetited luxor temple and museum And saw The death mask love from Joseph

  4. Hi Patrick, the boys are intrigued by their first trip outside Europe and us (Joseph in a rage: there's just random people everywhere and random things on the floor). We travelled overnight to Cairo on the sleeper- like sleeping on a roller coaster. Our Luxor fat has views to the valley of the kings over a bans plantation, it's searing hot and dusty. All thinking of you much love Zoe xx

  5. Great messages, boys!
    And Zoe!
    Many thanks.
    Much appreciated.

    By the way, you're not allowed to come back from Egypt until you've ridden on a camel.
    And got a photo for me!
    Can you get all 3 brothers on one camel?

    Lots lof love to all from both Julia and me,

  6. Seems Spring is pogo-sticking between Rome and London. Arrived here in early March but departed at Easter - tho the swallows and martins have stayed. Had to get my winter clothes out again and light the fire! Sadly, I think we ate all the lambs at Easter too. Don't tell David Attenborough.
    Love to you and St.Julia xxx
