To counter some of the effects of GvHD, ie dry and smarting eyes, I had my tear ducts cauterised on Tuesday.
It was Horrible!
I had been assured that it would be quick and painless and had therefore, or so I am told (tho I can't remember it), turned down the offer of sedation.
Well, it was quick.
And thank Heaven it was, cos it certainly wasn't painless.
First, some anaesthetic eyedrops and a thorough wash of both eyes.
So far, so good.
Then anaesthetic injections in both eyes (two each) which were exCRUciating.

I was bellowing throughout like a Wounded Buffalo.

Well, I take it all back!
It was Seriously Painful and my bellows were fully justified.
However, it was at least all over in 5-10 minutes and though both eyes are slightly bruised, they were not painful afterwards and have been fine since.
And best of all, they are already showing signs of improvement even though it's still very early days. I was warned that they would take 2-3 weeks to heal fully, so they should continue to improve from here. I can already read a bit without discomfort, even without my specs, and they are much less dry, so need fewer drops daily.