I love April showers!
Maybe it's because I was born in April.
From late winter to early summer in the Twinkling of an Eye.
And back again.
A bit like me at the moment.
I've had a tough few days and nights this week.
My mouth and throat are still very sore, too sore to eat, and my eyes need constant lubrication from one or other of the 4 different eyedrops at my disposal, but at least the Itching has subsided somewhat and I can swallow a bit now.
Oh, the bliss of a Sip of Iced Water!
I'm still on a Daily Cocktail of Antifungals, Antivirals and Antibiotics, but some of these must be having a positive effect, and I avoid the ones which come with Pain attached.
Two new additions to the Armoury today: a PICC line and a Pain Patch.
I've had a PICC line before (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter): it's just a plastic tube inserted into a vein in the upper arm (painlessly, I'm glad to say) through which the nurses can administer drugs and take blood at will, without recourse to the Multiple Stabbings to which I've been subjected recently and which have left me with a Handsome Collection of Bruises all over arms and stomach.
The Pain Patch is a Thing of Wonder: a tiny sticky patch which sits unobtrusively on my shoulder, gently releasing Pain Relief for 72 hours. A most Modest and Remarkable creation. Assuming it works! We shall see...
Finally, yesterday, I spent a very tranquil afternoon in the company of my very Dear and highly Devoted, though sadly currently overworked, Wife, playing Upwords (3-D Scrabble - she won!), having cream applied lovingly and expertly to my poor old dehydrated, drugged-up bod and just Filling up the Furniture (her expression). A very soothing and relaxing experience which has left me feeling Caaalm!
Long may it last......
Filling up the furniture is a great expression but you don't. You is tooo skinny for that. You're like a cat just annoyingly staking out a sofa or armchair and one doesn't have the heart to move you. Then there is your hinterland piled with Notes so you can remember and lotions and potions which would confuse Einstein but which you seem to have perfect mastery of inspite of their regularly changing. Is it "inspite" or "despite"? I never quite got those two, so explain. Does despite imply that the thing refered to is horrid and inspite suggest its neutral? Sort of thing you Know and I wish to be Told. So whenever I face the decision again I will certainly have forgotten what you said but I shall think of you.
ReplyDeleteIncidentaly your blog pictures are not showing for me maybe you are doing something wrong xxx
How could Julia win when the word tiles must have been all slippery with calming lotion? Were'nt they flying all over the place? I like the sound of the patch - let's hope it's a success.
ReplyDeleteApril Showers... not quite the word for it! But at least the garden's very well watered and green. I'll send in West Sussex Wildlife reports for you, Patrick. Whilst walking the other day, I found a very well hidden nest in the verge - given away by the tiny babies shouting for their mother to feed them - not sure what they were - you'd know. Let's see what happens next! Hope the grassnakes will still be here this year - I finally managed to relocate the compost heaps from last season. And one day... in my log pile - I found a great crested newt - much excitement! Further reports soon! Love Jo xxx